Advice and Confessions

Re-Direct and Re-Focus

powerallalongDo you realize you have an unlimited supply of do-overs? I know sometimes it might not feel like it, but really, think about it. Every second, minute, hour, day etc. are chances to make adjustments if needed. You feel stuck? Give it a second and you have an opportunity to make a slight change.  A tiny change may be all it takes to re-route your course of action.

Many times I have given up on something because I had a slip-up.  Take my healthy eating for instance; I can’t even count the number of times I’ve made a poor choice and then said screw it for the rest of the day.  That snowballs into tomorrow and the next day etc. The next time I make a choice I may not have liked the outcome to; I won’t throw my hands in the air and say, well that’s that, might as well give up on the rest of the day. I will re-adjust my thinking and set a course correction. Positive self-talk is key, having accountability to something or someone is important as well.

Self-care is about so much more than what we put in our mouth or what we surround ourselves with. It’s about what is inside; what we THINK about ourselves. I can surround myself with all the tools I need to be successful, but if I don’t think I can do it, it doesn’t matter.  If I don’t believe I am worthy of success, I won’t achieve success. If I don’t think I am good enough today, right this minute, I still won’t think I am good enough if I’ve reached all the goals I’ve set.

The key is inside of myself. I’m glad I can re-adjust as many times as I need. I am glad I have the opportunity to keep growing and learning.

Day 7 mini self-care challenge is this: How do you feel right this moment about yourself? Good or bad, negative or positive. Stop and think about it. How does this feeling affect what you’re doing in your life right now? Is it causing a barrier to something, or are you allowing your thoughts to let you grow and learn? There are no failures, only lessons learned. Let go of the negative energy and accept yourself for who you are, you are unique and no one else can give this world your gift- the most powerful gift you have and that is YOU.

Right at this moment, I feel hopeful. I am hopeful and encouraged because I know I can make better choices and I will make better choices and I’ll keep making them until I learn the lesson that needs to be taught and then I’ll re-direct and start learning more lessons.

Every time the sunsets, it also rises and we can begin again.

Advice and Confessions

Day 24 Accountability Challenge

It’s only 4:00 in the afternoon and I am already writing this blog. This is what I was talking about yesterday, by having my afternoon off again, I have found more time. Time to get the things I normally am rushing to get done at 8:00 p.m., done. It’s a great feeling and I knew I missed this but didn’t realize how much until now.

My day usually consists of getting up at 5:20’ish, to have some “me” time before the kids get up and the hustle bustle of the morning begins. I drop my daughter off at school about 7:30 and then it’s off to work for me.  I like to get places early. When I feel rushed or feel as if I am running late, my anxiety heightens. So while I don’t have to clock in until 8:00, getting to work at 7:30 gives me time to grab my 2 poached eggs and 2 slices of bacon in the cafeteria, get a cup of coffee and a cup of my favorite chewy ice and see what my day looks like, all before the phone starts ringing or I have people stopping in with questions. I am a morning person, I function so much better in the morning than I do later in the day or even night.

Waking up to catch a glimpse of the sunrise gives me a sense of calm, knowing that every day the sun rises, so do I. And on the other end of the spectrum, I love sunsets too. Watching the sun set on the horizon gives me a sense of accomplishment most days.  Not all days, but most days. Knowing that every day I am doing the best I can and the next day will be a different set of “best I can’s.”

Being able to get up each morning, knowing that I can choose how I want my day to go, is a new level of awareness that is finally sinking in. Setting my attitude in the direction of gratitude has been huge for me. There are most certainly days I don’t want to get out of bed to face the day, but those days are rare for me.  Most days I get up after saying my three gratitudes, and I look forward to the connections I’ll make, the lessons I’m bound to learn and the lives I’ll be able to touch.

Being able to center myself in the quietness of the morning has given me a new sense of peace. I know that I am never guaranteed another morning, so when I wake and see the sunrise, I am reminded that it’s up to me to decide how I want to go forward into the day. Do I want to live small and quiet or do I want to live bold and brave? As the sun shall rise with it’s burning brightness, so shall I with my inner light.